
The Joys and Pains of Managing a Maturing Website

Busy early morning beach landing for Hann Fish Market, Dakar, Senegal, April 2013. Onshore, women and men take over the fish handling and processing from the all-male captains and crews of the spectacular wooden fishing canoes.

This website,, will be 3 years old next month. Recently, as I undertook some long overdue maintenance, I reflected on the joys and pains of a maturing website.

First the joys! Thanks to a steady feed of good and relevant material on women/gender in aquaculture and fisheries, and supporting material from other themes and sectors, the information content of our website is steadily building up. If you use the excellent WordPress search function (right-hand top on the home page), or the category links down on the right of the home page, you can readily find the posts and pages you seek.

Also, more of our interested readers are sending in links, their own stories and news of new events and opportunities, thus further enriching the site.

Now for some of the pain! After 3 years of growth and my laid-back attitude to maintenance, I started to find that “link-rot” had well and truly set in.  Some of the web-sites our posts referred to had closed down, e.g., after a conference was well and truly finished, others had redesigned and moved the web addresses of precious documents, etc. So, we went through the tedious and overdue task of finding the broken links (fortunately good programs will do all the laborious searching, link by link, across all the pages) and then doing something about them.

Now, all this is the long way of saying, if you ever find a link on this site that does not work properly, please contact me and I will try to ensure it is fixed. Oh, and we will be doing regular maintenance of the links in future, as well as looking at better ways to structure what we already have.

All your suggestions are welcome!


This entry was posted in: Aquaculture, Freshwater Fisheries, Gender, Marine Fisheries, Men, Women