
Diversifying options for women in Indian brackishwater fisheries

Women grading juvenile seabass, Pulicat Lake, Tamil Nadu, India. Photo: Dr. B. Shanthi, CIBA

In coastal communities in India, fisheries and aquaculture can provide women and men  with many opportunities for work and livelihood. In Tamil Nadu state, the Central Institute for Brackishwater Aquaculture (CIBA) has long worked on the ground and out in the villages to improve those opportunities with science and people-based projects. Recently, CIBA published two brochures describing two such opportunities.

The first technology brochure is on the processing of jelly fish for the food market.  Although the work is difficult and labour intensive, it provides income for women and men in the off-season of their crab fattening industry (see our previous posts: “Irular women succeed in raising fish and their incomes,” and  “Indian researchers help women succeed in sea bass culture and crab fattening.”  This brochure describes the nature of the jelly fish catching and processing and details how people around Lake Pulicat are involved in it.

The second technology brochure is on sea bass nursery culture Sea bass nursery brochure. The brochure provides detailed information of the different steps in sea bass (Lates calcarifer) nursery culture in hapas in Lake Pulicat.

Thanks to CIBA and Dr B. Shanthi for providing these new brochures for download.

Jelly fish processing brochure: download here

Sea bass nursery culture in hapas brochure: download here

This entry was posted in: Aquaculture, Freshwater Fisheries, India, Marine Fisheries, Men, Women