
Indian Researchers Help Women Succeed in Sea Bass Culture and Crab Fattening

Newspaper clipping. Source : Dr B Shanti, CIBA.

Dr B Shanthi of the Indian Central Institute for Brackishwater Aquacutlure (CIBA) and other researchers have been working to get technology into the hands of women’s groups in India (see Dr Shanthi’s PPT and paper from GAF3, 2011). Recently, the successes of some of the women entrepreneurs from southern India have been highlighted in the press, with two stories, and a new “how to” poster from Dr Shanthi and her CIBA team.

1. “Crab Fattening Sends Her to Korea” news story from The Hindu, October 2012. 

2.  “Irula Women, Farmers Reap Rich Profits from Selling Sea Bass” news story from The Hindi, December 2012.

3. CIBA POSTER: Oyster Mushroom Farming, Ornamental Fish Farming and Sea Bass Nursery Rearing

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