Category: Nandeesha

Results of M.C. Nandeesha Photo Competition announced in Kochi

The winners of the three prizes for the M.C. Nandeesha Photo Competition were announced in Kochi during the GAF-India event at the 11th Indian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum. Judged by online voting and a panel of 4 members of the Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries Section, in addition to the prizes, 5 Highly Commended entries were named.

M.C. Nandeesha Photo Competition Entries

RESULTS OF COMPETITION The competition was judged by popular online voting and by a small team of Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries Section members, based on the criteria: 1: Quality of photograph (composition, clarity, colours, etc); 2: Topic: an activity,..

4th Anniversary of Dr M.C. Nandeesha

Dr. Mudnakudu C. Nandeesha (1957-2012), who instigated many women/gender in aquaculture and fisheries initiatives, passed away on 27 December 2012. On the 4th anniversary of his passing, we pause to remember him and acknowledge his contributions on many fronts, including on gender awareness and action. Dr Nandeeshabegan his work in aquaculture research and development in Karnataka...

This entry was posted in: Aquaculture, Bangladesh, India, Men, Women

A Tribute to Prof MC Nandeesha (1957 – 2012)

Presented at the International course on Advanced Lessons on Fisheries and Aquaculture Economics: A Tribute to Prof. M. C. Nandeesha (1957 – 2012) held at Santander, Spain from 22 to 26 July 2013. By Piyashi DebRoy I begin with expressing my heartfelt thankfulness to Prof. Josè Fernández Polanco for having provided me with the humble opportunity...

This entry was posted in: Aquaculture, India, Marine Fisheries

3rd Anniversary of Dr M.C. Nandeesha

On 27th December 2012, Dr M.C. Nandeesha, who initiated the first efforts to address gender in aquaculture and fisheries in Asia, passed away. We honor his memory and achievements and hope that his legacy will continue to grow through the gender efforts of the Asian Fisheries Society and other professional and grassroots groups. In collaboration with...

This entry was posted in: Aquaculture, India, Men, Women

M.C. Nandeesha: High Priest of Gender Equity in Fisheries

He went to work in what was then called Kampuchea whose countryside was still strewn with unexploded bombs and land mines. He was young and probably cared little if he stepped on one. He promoted to a country, reeling from genocide, aquaculture development.

Passing of Dr M.C. Nandeesha

With deep regret, I convey the sad news that Dr M.C. Nandeesha, the inspiration for starting the Asian Fisheries Society’s Gender/Women in Fisheries/Aquaculture activities in the early 1990s, has passed away in Chennai, India. The gender and fisheries community, and others such as the fisheries education and aquaculture research and development communities, convey their sincere...

This entry was posted in: Aquaculture, Freshwater Fisheries, Gender, India, Marine Fisheries, Men, Women

Appeal for Dr M.C. Nandeesha

With a heavy heart, we convey the news that our leading light and initiator of the Asian Fisheries Society gender and fisheries work, is suffering a serious health crisis. As indicated in the following call for donations to help him...