
Appeal for Dr M.C. Nandeesha

Dr M.C. Nandeesha

Dr M.C. Nandeesha

With a heavy heart, we convey the news that our leading light and initiator of the Asian Fisheries Society gender and fisheries work, is suffering a serious health crisis. As indicated in the following call for donations to help him and his family, your help in this difficult time, no matter how small, would be gratefully accepted. Nandeesha has not only been an inspiration but also a magnificent giver all his life. Now it is our turn to give something to him.

Donations Sought For Dr. Mudnakudu Nandeesha

Prof. Mudnakudu Nandeesha, widely and affectionately known as “Nandeesha” is a special officer at Tamil Nadu Fisheries University in India, recipient of the World Aquaculture Society fellow award in 2012, Councillor of the Asian Fisheries Society and Chairman for the Indian Branch of the Asian Fisheries Society and Aquaculture without Frontiers, and member of the Best Aquaculture Practices Standards Oversight Committee.

Nandeesha recently suffered a massive heart attack. Due to complications, he is now hospitalized in critical condition in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. He is on a heart/lung machine and dialysis and may need a heart transplant. The cost of his ongoing treatment has surpassed the resources available to him and his family.

The World Aquaculture Society, Global Aquaculture Alliance, Aquaculture Without Frontiers and Asian Fisheries Society are therefore collecting monetary donations to assist Nandeesha.

To donate, please follow the link below WAS store and select “Nandeesha Medical Assistance Fund”. Choose an amount and provide credit card information to complete your donation.

To donate by check, please make it payable to the World Aquaculture Society, include a note that it is for the Nandeesha Medical Assistance Fund, and send it via postal mail to:

Nandeesha Medical Assistance Fund
c/o World Aquaculture Society
143 J. M. Parker Coliseum
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803 (USA)

Nandeesha has three decades of experience in aquaculture teaching, research and development in India, Cambodia and Bangladesh, with nearly a decade at the grass-roots level on projects supported by OXFAM, CARE, FAO, World Bank, NACA and JICA. Nandeesha has been an inspiration to the AFS’s efforts on gender in aquaculture and fisheries.

Just weeks before his heart attack, he participated in a panel discussion on labor and social accountability during GAA’s GOAL 2012 conference in Thailand. Nandeesha was also acting as event chairman for the December 4-6 Aquatic Resources for Eradication of Hunger and Malnutrition symposium in Mangalore, Karnataka, India, when his health failed.

Please consider making a donation to help Nandeesha get back to his passion for applying aquaculture to alleviate hunger and improve social conditions.