Latest ICSF Yemaya Newsletter Now Out
The latest issue of Yemaya, the newsletter on gender and fisheries put out three times a year by the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers, is full of interesting and thought-provoking articles, several centered around International Women’s Day and continuing struggles for decent lives and rights around the world. The whole issue or individual articles may be downloaded. ...
Latest SPC Women in Fisheries Information Bulletin now out!
The Women in Fisheries Information Bulletin is always welcome. The WIF Bulletin started in 1997 and always contains interesting information from the central and western Pacific ocean, the region where women have traditionally had a very active role in fisheries. Here is the line-up of articles from the 22nd issue. We thank the coordinator Veikila Curu Vuki for passing on the link and also the SPC’s excellent Marine Resources Division for producing it. ...
Latest special issue of Gender, Technology & Development examines new learnings on women and fisheries
Women work in all stages of the fish value chain, producing, processing and selling fish and through their work support the economy, their households, and communities in rural and coastal regions. They are said to make up half the fisheries workforce, yet their work goes unrecognized in most official statistics, policies and development programs which frequently are designed from a gender-blind standpoint. ...
Learning from forestry and landuse: Good practices for women’s inclusion
In 2013, a group of organisation, led by WOCAN (Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management) produced a very useful distillation of good practices for including women in key climate change mitigation programs, especially REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation). Most of the good advice in the “Scoping study of good practices for strengthening women’s inclusion in forest and other natural resource management sectors,” however, is applicable to other sectors, including fisheries and aquaculture. ...
Learning from gender research in agriculture
Gender research is still sparse for gender and aquaculture, fisheries and the coasts. Gender studies are a little further advanced in agriculture and natural resource management. Very useful resource materials can be found from the work of the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), one of the CGIAR Centers. Here are 5 links to IFPRI resources on gender and development. ...
Learning from livestock and gender
Recently we posted on ‘Learning from gender research in agriculture’, now its time to pick up some materials and methods from work being done on gender in the livestock and rural poverty realms. Here are some useful websites and materials. I thank Beth Miller for alerting us to these livestock and gender resources. ...
Learning how to speak up at work
How women contribute and are perceived at work depends a lot on how they express their ideas and views. This article, although written for the US corporate workplace, contains some sage advice for all women, and indeed men, on how to make your points known. Remember, you are employed for your ideas, and your employers and supervisors need to know and appreciate them. Even the self-employed entrepreneur can learn something from this short article. ...
Lives of women in the Sunderabans under climate change
The film is based on my ongoing research on the effects of climate change on women living in the villages of the Sundarbans, focusing on how they are facing up to the challenges thrown by the rising sea levels, higher tidal surges that breach through the embankments that protect villages and farmlands, more frequent and more intense cyclonic storms and so on. ...
Looking back at 2013
In 2013, the Genderaquafish website continued to develop as a global source of information sharing and news. Compared to 2012, the number of visitors grew by 16%, to over 17,000 for the year. The visitors came from even more countries than last year (163 countries, compared to 154 countries in 2012). The top 5 countries of our visitors were: India (3,695), USA (1,804), UK (1,124), Philippines (1,078), Malaysia (705). ...
M.C. Nandeesha Photo Competition Entries and Winners
FIRST PRIZE: Women’s participation in fish harvesting (From aquaculture pond Tripura, India) Vikash Kumar, ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute (ICAR-CIFRI), Barrackpore, Kolkata, 700120, India SECOND PRIZE: Equal contributor: Catching fish using gill net from a river in Indian Sundarban Ranjan Manna, ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore, Kolkata –700120 India THIRD PRIZE: Women in Assam fishing for food security Deepjyoti Baruah, ICAR-Directorate of Coldwater Fisheries Research, Bhimtal-263136, Nainital, Uttarakhand ...
M.C. Nandeesha: High Priest of Gender Equity in Fisheries
He went to work in what was then called Kampuchea whose countryside was still strewn with unexploded bombs and land mines. He was young and probably cared little if he stepped on one. He promoted to a country, reeling from genocide, aquaculture development. It was for the small and subsistence farm households, which at that time all of them were. He was employed by the Netherlands-based NGO, Partnership for the Development of Kampuchea – PADEK. ...
Making and marketing Fijian pearls to tourists
The Ba Women’s Forum, a peak body of 79 women’s groups in the Ba area of Fiji (62 km from Nadi, a tourist center on the main island of Fiji), has gradually been developing its engagement and the identification of opportunities in the pearl culture and marketing sector, with help from an ACIAR project. The latest developments are reported in ACIAR’s Partners magazine. Market analysis has identified significant market potential for pearl jewellery, now largely filled by imports. ...
Malaysian workshop upgrades knowledge, develops plans for gender equity in Asian aquaculture
Under the UPM (Universiti Putra Malaysia) led ASEM Aquaculture Platform WP7 (ASEM stands for Asia-Europe Meetings: note this program is no longer active), a workshop on “Empowering Vulnerable Stakeholder Groups” was held from 6-10 February 2012 in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia. From Indian government institutions Dr.B.Meenakumari, Deputy Director General, (Fisheries), ICAR, New Delhi, Dr.P.Jayashankar, Director, CIFA, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, Dr B. Shanthi, Senior Scientist, CIBA, Chennai and Dr.Vipinkumar,V.P, Senior Scientist, CMFRI, Kochi, Kerala, participated in this programme. There were 28 part ...
Mapping the action on International Women’s Day ’17
Map showing the locations (mainly at country resolution level) for events and news about women in aquaculture, fisheries and seafood in honor of International Women’s Day 2017. If you have more events from 8 March 2017 to put on this map, please let us know at: e-mail ...
Marine science meets social science – a gender and human rights focus in the Pacific
In the Pacific, the ocean is home. It connects social and cultural life, while providing key resources such as food and economic benefits, as well as connecting infrastructure and leisure opportunities. The Pacific’s richness in culturally enshrined lifestyles, its vast diversity of Polynesian, Micronesian and Melanesian traditions and its co-existence with the marine environment and its natural resources make this region particularly fascinating when working on gender, social inclusion (GSI) and human rights in the fisheries sector. ...
Masculinities riptide: wind in the sails or anchor for the inclusion of gender in fisheries?
Physical strength, toughness, and endurance. These are some of the most common bodily attributes associated with men. These attributes play an important role in defining whether one is a fisher or not, as these masculinity expressions are generally present in fishing. Therefore, people who do not participate in harvesting (fishing) and who do not reflect these characteristics, such as women, are not usually considered part of the sector, even when according to official data, they make up half of the fisheries workforce worldwide, ...
Measuring women’s empowerment in agriculture – a new tool
A new tool for measuring women’s empowerment in agriculture should have good applications in the aquaculture sector also. The index was developed through a partnership between the US Agency for International Development (USAID), IFPRI and Oxford University’s Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative (OPHI). Using 5 criteria, it measures the empowerment of women in agriculture and in their own households. The criteria cover: ...
Microfinance impact: a challenge to assess
Over the last several months, studies, blogs and news articles have highlighted the challenges of assessing and understanding the various impacts of microfinance. Although not directly addressing fisheries and aquaculture, the findings are relevant to those studying gender in aquaculture and fisheries as microfinance is often part of a development initiative targeted at women in small scale fisheries and aquaculture. ...
2023-2026 : Project: GeNA: “Making nature-based climate solutions (NbCS) in aquaculture in Southeast Asia monitoring more gender-responsive: What gets measured gets done”, supported by IDRC, implemented by Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in partnership with Cambodian Institute for Research and Rural Development (CIRD), and The University of the Philippines Visayas (UPV) 2022-2023 : 8th Global Conference on Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries , SOFTI, ICAR-CIFT, Kochi ...
Milestones for women in fisheries
To celebrate International Women’s Day 2016, Yemaya, the gender in fisheries newsletter of the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers, collected a set of regional summaries of milestones for women in fisheries. In her overview for this issue of Yemaya, the editor, Nilanjana Biswas, concluded that while we take stock of, and celebrate the achievements, we should also reflect on the long road of struggle ahead—a struggle for the rights of small-scale fisheries; for the rights of women engaged in fishing, fish trade and fish-work. ...