
Latest SPC Women in Fisheries Information Bulletin now out!

Photo: SPC WIF Bull. 22

The Women in Fisheries Information Bulletin is always welcome. The WIF Bulletin started in 1997 and always contains interesting information from the central and western Pacific ocean, the region where women have traditionally had a very active role in fisheries.

Here is the line-up of articles from the 22nd issue. We thank the coordinator Veikila Curu Vuki for passing on the link and also the SPC’s excellent Marine Resources Division for producing it.

Download here:  SPC WIF 22


– Issues on gender in oceanic and coastal fisheries science and management in the Pacific Islands: case studies from Solomon Islands, Marshall Islands and Tonga  by P. Tuara and K. Passfield p. 3

– Heading towards the mainstream from the margins by M. Williams p. 17

– Shining a light on gender in aquaculture and fisheries: Report on the 3rd Global Symposium on Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries by M. Williams p. 19

– Strengthening the role of women in community-based marine resource management: lessons learned from community workshops by Z. Hilly et al. p. 29

– The seaweed harvesters of Alao by I. Novaczek p. 36

– Traditional fishing methods, raui and gender roles in Arorangi village, Rarotonga, Cook Islands by D. Munro Solomona and V. Vuki p. 39

– The people of the artificial island of Foueda, Lau Lagoon, Malaita, Solomon Islands: Traditional fishing methods, fisheries management and the roles
of men and women in fishing by B. Buga and V. Vuki p. 42

This entry was posted in: Aquaculture, Freshwater Fisheries, Gender, Marine Fisheries, Men, Women