GAF2 Reports & Publications



Networks Meeting group. Photo: Dr Nai-Hsien Chao

Other reports on GAF2 can be found in:

  1. 2007 “Gender and Development” (download: 2007 G&D Solutions through gender research)
  2. “Gender, Technology and Development” Conference Report Download
  3. Women Add Value to Fisheries FIS (or download pdf of report with updated links)


Selected papers from GAF2 presenters, plus other front materials and an additional paper were published in the June 2008 issue of the journal Development, as follows:

DEVELOPMENT Volume 51, Issue 2 (June 2008) – Gender and Fisheries


Editorial: Whatever Happened to Women, Environment and Development? (FREE) Wendy Harcourt

Proposes the need for a new political ecology from a feminist perspective. Development 51: 173-175; doi:10.1057/dev.2008.23, Link

Guest Editorial: Gender and Fisheries. Poh Sze Choo, Barbara S Nowak, Kyoko Kusakabe and Meryl J Williams

Introduces the topic of gender and fisheries as a key development issue. Development 51: 176-179; doi:10.1057/dev.2008.1, Link

Why Look at Fisheries through a Gender Lens? Meryl J. Williams

Underlines the links between gender analysis and fisheries. Development 51: 180-185; doi:10.1057/dev.2008.2, Link


Environmental Degradation and its Gendered Impact on Coastal Livelihoods Options among Btsisi’ Households of Peninsular Malaysia. Barbara S. Nowak

Explores the diversity in livelihood activities which operated as a community-based resource management. Development 51: 186-192; doi:10.1057/dev.2008.3, Link

Globalization and Women in Coastal Communities in Tanzania. Marilyn Porter, Rosemarie Mwaipopo, Richard Faustine and Max Mzuma

Shows how women in coastal communities suffer disproportionately from processes of interactive restructuring. Development 51: 193-198; doi:10.1057/dev.2008.4, Link

Social Impact and Women Empowerment through Mussel Farming in Kerala, India. Vasanth Kripa and Vazhoor Gopalan Surendranathan

Argues that training alone is not sufficient to motivate villagers to adopt new fishing technologies. Development 51: 199-204; doi:10.1057/dev.2008.5, Link

From the Lake to the Plate: Assessing gender vulnerabilities throughout the fisheries chain. Charlotte Tindall and Katrien Holvoet

Describes the implications of gender relations in the fisheries chain. Development 51: 205-211; doi:10.1057/dev.2008.6, Link


Ethnic Women in Aquaculture in Nepal. Ram C Bhujel, Madhav K Shrestha, Jharendu Pant and Sukanya Buranrom

Examines traditional ethnic fishing community and food security in Nepal. Development 51: 259-264; doi:10.1057/dev.2008.11, Link

Women in Artisanal Fisheries in Brittany, France. Katia Frangoudes and Enora Keromnes

Illustrates how French fishers’ wives play an important role within fisheries. Development 51: 265-270; doi:10.1057/dev.2008.20, Link

Gender Issues in Aquaculture: Learning lessons from the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. Ravula Padmaja and Ma Cynthia Serquina Bantilan

Draws lessons from gender-based social analysis at ICRISAT with a particular focus on agriculture. Development 51: 271-277; doi:10.1057/dev.2008.21, Link

Resources on Gender and Fisheries. Poh Sze Choo, Kyoko Kusakabe, Barbara S Nowak and Meryl J Williams

Gives specific references to the latest web and printed material on gender and fisheries. Development 51: 292-294; doi:10.1057/dev.2008.14, Link


Reviews books on fisheries, environment and development. Compiled by Sonja Cappello. Development 51: 295-298; doi:10.1057/dev.2008.12, Link