Special Symposium at the 11th Indian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum, Kochi, Kerala, India
21-24 November, 2017
The Symposium on Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries in India (GAF-India) was held as part of the 11th Indian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum, organised by the Asian Fisheries Society Indian Branch.
In conjunction with GAF-India, an International Workshop on Challenges in the Implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on Small Scale Fisheries (SSFVG) of FAO in South Asia was held.
Here are some highlights from the Opening Session of 11IFAF featuring gender.
01. GAF Section Chair, Dr M.J. Williams (R) introducing the new Section during launch. Seated on the stage, L to R, are: Professor Shamasundar, Secretary AFSIB, Dr. J.K.Jena, DDG (Fisheries), ICAR and President, AFS; Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra, Secretary (DARE) and Director General, ICAR; Smt J. Mercykutty Amma, Minister for Fisheries, Harbour Engineering and Cashew Industry, Kerala; Prof. K.V.Thomas, Member of Parliament; Dr. A. Gopalakrishnan, Director, ICAR-CMFRI; and Dr. C. N. Ravishankar, Director, ICAR-CIFT and Covener, 11IFAF
02. Countdown to the launch of the GAF Section logo
03. Smt. J. Mercykutty Amma, Kerala Minister of Fisheries, launching the logo
04. Smt. J. Mercykutty Amma, Kerala Minister of Fisheries, launching the new look website
05. Exploring the new website.
06. Prof. K. V. Thomas, Member of Parliament launches the Asian Fisheries Science Special Issue 30S (2017) – Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries: Engendering Security in Fisheries and Aquaculture.
07. L: Director General, ICAR- Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra launches the book titled ‘YOUTH AND FISH: Artworks of School Children, based on a competition held during GAF6 and sponsored by the Network of Aquacutlure Centres in Asia-Pacific and others.