
New tools for gender studies

Two new gender analysis tools could be useful for your research. One is the gender and asset toolkit, and the second is a mapper, specifically for agriculture and natural resources in Africa.

1. Gender and Asset Toolkit

Assets, control over them and their ownership are a critical component of the well-being of individuals and households. A crucial first step toward understanding the gender dimensions of asset ownership and control is acquiring detailed gender-disaggregated information on assets though monitoring, evaluation, and data collection. The Gender, Agriculture and Assets Project of IFPRI and ILRI has developed a toolkit intended to help researchers and practitioners collect, measure, and analyze gender and assets data in qualitative and quantitative evaluations for current and future projects. The toolkit owners plan to continue developing it. You can download the full version of the toolkit at:

2. Gender Mapper

The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) are developing a “gender map” of agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa in order to better understand how to target agricultural interventions to women and men farmers. To see the progress to date and to fill out the survey access it at:

The project is an out growth of an IFPRI Discussion Paper: Meinzen-Dick, R., B. van Koppen, J. Behrman, Z. Karelina, V. M. Akamandisa, L. Hope and B. Wielgosz. 2012. Putting Gender on the Map: Methods for Mapping Gendered Farm Management Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1153. Washington DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

This entry was posted in: Gender, Men, Women