
Awards to support publishing your GAF journal article

The 8th Global Conference on Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries (GAF8) was to have been held in April 2021 but, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is postponed to a later date (to be advised). In preparation for GAF8 the Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries Section of the Asian Fisheries Society (GAFS) is joining with the CGIAR Research Program on Fish Agri-Food Systems (FISH) to call for proposals for awards to support the preparation and publication of quality, open access, research articles.

The FISH gender strategy outlines the program’s aim to advance gender equality in the fisheries and aquaculture sector through generating evidence to address significant gaps in data and knowledge. An objective of the Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries Section of the Asian Fisheries Society (GAFS) is giving greater visibility to and increasing awareness of the importance of incorporating gender and more particularly women in fisheries and aquaculture interventions through, among others, providing effective research publication mechanisms.

The awards being offered will help support gender researchers to publish their journal articles. We are seeking high quality gender research papers that will be completed in year 2021 and shared, upon publication, through journal open access via the CGIAR GENDER Platform repository and the GAFS document repository.

We offer four (4) awards to individual researchers or teams who are well advanced in preparing high quality manuscripts suitable for submission to reputable research journals. Each award will cover some of the manuscript preparation costs and the full cost of purchasing open access publication. The awards will be paid in tranches with an advance payment to awardees on announcement of the award and a final payment on acceptance of the paper, and direct payments to the accepting journals for the open access fees. The total of each award, including the journal fees, will not be more than USD 5,000. Online mentoring assistance for the preparation of the manuscript will be offered to each of the successful applicants/teams.

Selection criteria and process

Applications will be assessed by a panel from GAFS and CGIAR-FISH according to the following selection criteria.

  1. The applicant/team will have a well advanced manuscript on gender in aquaculture or fisheries in a developing country that, with additional work, will be available for submission to a high quality peer-reviewed journal by 1 July 2021. 
  2. The topic of the study on which the manuscript is based will be relevant to the gender focus areas within FISH flagships (i.e., sustainable aquaculture, resilient small-scale fisheries or aquatic food systems) and the objectives of GAFS. The following topics are of particular interest as emerging themes for GAF8, but the award opportunity is not limited to these topics:
    • Gender and seaweed aquaculture
    • Labour in fisheries and aquaculture
    • Gender in fisheries with special reference to COVID-19
    • Gender in SSF
  3. The originality and clarity of the study concepts and design, the rigour of the study methodology and the quality of data collection, analysis and interpretation, as indicated in the application. Synthesis and review papers are also welcome.  
  4. The applicant/team will be in the early career stage of publishing in GAF, as judged by experience in this field, not just by chronological age.
  5. The team/applicant may be from any country. The program will endeavour to support work from a range of geographies, especially work from authors and areas presently underrepresented in the GAF peer-reviewed literature.

How to Apply

Applicants are required to complete an online application [LINK] NO later than 15 February 2021. Successful applicants will be notified in mid-March. For your guidance, the questions to be completed in the application are provided in this document [PDF] but the form must be completed online.

Date Milestone
30 December 2020 First announcement of the GAF paper award opportunity 
15 February 2021 Closing date for applications
19 March 2021 Awardees announced
1 July 2021 Final date for submission of manuscripts to chosen journals
31 December 2021 Manuscripts expected to be accepted or near acceptance by journals

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